3rd Generation Family-Owned Business
My name is John Marks.
I started my own family of Marks Mugs in 2003 and today that is my signature line.

I'm a 3rd generation cocker and was born and raised with Gamefowl my entire life. I started my own family of Marks Mugs in 2003. Today that is my signature line. I am a born again Christian with three daughters and one son. My wife and I have been married since 1999. I strive to ship world class fowl at a reasonable price. We live in the beautiful state of Texas and free range all of my birds until they are penned making them as strong and healthy as I can.
The Marks Mugs Story
I’ve had my Marks Mugs since 2003, I got them from an older gentleman in Texas that told me if I liked them to come get all of them. His health was not great at the time and was gracious to give the family to me. They ranged from 4.4 to about 6.0 pounds and were not very consistent in weight, station, or temperament. I bred my Pea Comb Kelso blood into them which I obtained from Mr. Marc Gonzalez, who has been a friend of mine for over 20 years. From that breeding, I bred back to the Mug side and bred away from the Pea Comb Kelso side. Even though there is very little Kelso in them today they still throw a Pea Comb stag or pullet every once in a while and a red chick as well. Since breeding the Kelso into the Mugs they are very consistent in weight ranging from about 4.8 to 5.8 as cocks. Their temperament is great and rarely produce any mean ones. Their colors range from lemon hackle, jet black, blue, splash, cinnamon, very dark, and on a rare occasion red like a typical hatch color. They are big plumaged fowl and come medium to high station.